Creo Flexible Modeling > Editing Chamfer Geometry > To Edit Chamfer Geometry
To Edit Chamfer Geometry
1. Click Flexible Modeling > Edit Chamfer. The Edit Chamfer tab opens.
2. To select the chamfer geometry to edit, click the Chamfer surfaces collector, and select the chamfer surfaces or surface sets from multiple bodies and quilts.
3. Optionally, to remove the chamfer geometry, click Remove Chamfer.
4. To change the chamfer dimensioning scheme, select the scheme from the list.
5. To change the value for a distance, angle, or offset distance, drag the handles, or double-click the value, type a new number, and press ENTER.
6. On the Options tab, use any of the following options:
To attach the chamfer geometry to the underling surface, select the Attach chamfer geometry check box.
When the Attach chamfer geometry check box is not selected, the resulting geometry is a quilt. The appearance of the original solid surfaces is propagated to both sides of the resulting quilt.
To create surfaces at the ends where the chamfer overlaps other geometry, select the Create end surfaces check box. This option is available when Attach chamfer geometry is not selected.
Interfering rounds and chamfers are neighboring surfaces that have to be removed in order to enable editing. By default, they are automatically removed, and then recreated when editing is finished.
To choose not to recreate interfering rounds and chamfers, select the Remove interfering rounds and chamfers check box.
To propagate the edit chamfer feature to all instances such that the pattern, mirror, or symmetry is maintained, click the Pattern/Symmetry/Mirror feature box and select the pattern, mirror, pattern recognition, or symmetry recognition feature.
7. Click OK.
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