To Create a Dimension
1. Click > .
2. Click New References or Common Reference. The ATTACH TYPE menu appears.
3. Pick entities to be dimensioned.
4. Middle-click to locate the dimension.
5. To indicate endpoints of the dimension, select one of the following from the ATTACH TYPE menu:
◦ On Entity—Attaches the dimension to the entity at the pick point, according to the rules for creating regular dimensions.
◦ Midpoint—Attaches the dimension to the midpoint of the selected entity.
◦ Center—Attaches the dimension to the center of a circular edge.
◦ Intersect—Attaches the dimension to the closest intersection point of two selected entities.
◦ Make Line—Creates a line for the dimension to reference.
You can change the attachment type while making a dimension. For example, select one point using Midpoint and select On Entity and make the second pick.
When there is more than one way to create a dimension, the DIM ORIENT menu displays the following to define the orientation:
◦ Horizontal—Measures the horizontal distance between the points.
◦ Vertical—Measures the vertical distance between points.
◦ Slanted—Measures the shortest distance between points.
◦ Parallel—Creates a dimension parallel to a reference line.
◦ Normal—Creates a dimension normal to a reference line.
When dimensioning between two arcs or an arc and a line, to place a dimension you must select one of the following from the ARC PNT TYPE menu:
◦ Center—Measures to the center of an arc.
◦ Tangent—Measures to an imaginary tangent drawn at the point you have picked on the arc.