Creo Mold Analysis (CMA) > PTC Creo Mold Analysis > Viewing Results > To View Results using View Control Options
To View Results using View Control Options
1. Select and activate an analysis from the Analysis Setup dialog box.
2. Click a result option in the Analysis Results group and click View Control. The View Control dialog box appears.
3. Use the functions from View Control to view the results by different representations:
Section tab—Select one of the following section view options to view the inner variation.
Clipping—Define a clipping plane by typing values for the equation variables.
Slicing—Define a slicing plane by typing values for the equation variables.
Isosurface display—Show isosurface of a certain value on the model. The result value is the same for all points on the isosurface.
Legend tab—Adjust the settings of the color legend.
Animation tab—Inspect the flow pattern by using animation.
Display speed—Adjust the slider to increase or decrease the speed of animation.
Display step—Adjust the value to enlarge or reduce the step percentage of each frame.
Current step—Adjust the value to view result at a specific instant.
Play— Click to play the animation. Current step automatically changes at the same time.
Pause—Click to stop the animation at the current instant.
Stop—Click to stop the animation at the end of filling process.
The availability of the options depends on the result you select.
4. Click Close to close the dialog box.
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