To Select and Place a Mold Base
Before performing this procedure you must install the Mold Base Library and set the pro_library_dir configuration option to the location of the Mold Base Library loadpoint.
1. On the Mold Layout tab, click Mold Bases or on the MOLD LAYOUT menu, click Mold Base > Add. The Select Mold Base dialog box opens.
2. Select a vendor, series, width, and length.
3. Click a Mold Base from the Mold Bases list.
4. In the Parameter Value list, click the parameter you want and change the value in the text box under the list.
5. Under Mold base origin, select the mold origin.
6. You control the mold base origin by setting the rotation about the Z axis.
7. Click OK. The mold base assembly appears in the window.
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