Mold Design and Casting > Catalogs > Creating the Layout > To Create the Next Level Layout File
To Create the Next Level Layout File
1. Create the next level Layout File parameter in the Unit_Layout File. You should use Vendor as the next level for the following directions and examples.
2. Create two values for the Vendor_Lay_File - one for inch and one for metric.
3. Create two Layout files, using the same name as the two values for Vendor_Lay_File parameter in the Unit_Layout_File.
Directory Name_Vendor_MM for metric instance
Directory Name_Vendor_INCH for inch instance
4. Create parameters in the new layout file.
5. Name the first parameter Vendor_Lay_Descr in the new Layout file.
6. Name the second parameter Vendor in the new Layout file.
7. As with the Unit_Layout_File, create a Layout File Parameter for the next level of layouts you wish to see in your dialog box. Name it (Desired name for next level)_Lay_File. For Example: If the next Item you want to select in the dialog box is by Type of Ejector Pin, you create a parameter named Type_Lay_File.
8. Add all parameters to the Param Table.
9. Edit the Param Table and add instances: You should create an instance for every option you would like to see under this level of Layouts. For Example: When you create a Vendor Layout file, you might add 5 instances, one for each vendor that creates the product you are working on. For Ejector Pins, there are 5 vendors for both inch and metric. Each instance name would be the name of the vendor.
10. Set the Vendor_Lay_Descr to your desired Title name for the Vendor option in the dialog box. Type this name in the Param Table for all instances. In this example, you enter type Vendor.
11. In the template model, create a parameter called Vendor. The Vendor Parameter in the Vendor_Layout_File corresponds with the parameter in the template model. Type the vendor name for each instance, exactly the same value as the instance name.
12. The (Desired name for next level ) _Lay_File values should be set as follows:
Catalog Directory Name_Current Level Name_MM_( Desired name for next level ) for the metric Vendor Layout
Catalog Directory Name_Current Level Name_INCH_( Desired name for next level ) for the inch Vendor Layout.
At this point it does not matter what value you use to describe your next set of layouts. This is just the recommended way of doing it since it shows the type of part you are working on, the level (in this case Vendor ) you are currently in, the units, and the level you want to see next ( Type ).
In the example case, for the ejpin_Vendor_MM Layout file, you would use the following ejpin_(Vendor Name)_MM_Type.
13. Continue until you reach a layout level where the type of part can be selected.
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