Mold Design and Casting > Catalogs > Creating the Layout > To Create the Main Layout File
To Create the Main Layout File
1. Create a file named Catalog Directory Name_Main. You create three Parameters in this Layout File.
2. Name the first parameter Unit_Lay_File.
3. Name the second parameter Perform_Trim.
4. Name the third parameter Perform_Cut.
5. All three parameters must be added to the Param_Table and set accordingly.
Set the Unit_Lay_File parameter to: Catalog Directory Name_Units.
Set the Perform_Trim parameter to Yes or No depending on whether or not you have a trim in your universal model.
If set to Yes, Mold Layout functionality will allow you to place a trim.
If set to No, the option will be blanked out.
Set the Perform_Cut parameter to Yes or No depending on whether or not you have a Cut Quilt in your universal model.
If set to Yes, Mold Layout functionality allows you to place a Cut Quilt and modify its dimensions.
If set to No, the option will be blanked out.
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