To Create a Parting Curve
A parting curve is located on the parting surface and is created from a locus of points where a surface, tangent to the part surfaces and oriented at the specified draft angle to the pull direction, intersects the parting surface. Before you can create parting curves, you must create a parting surface in the reference model and define the draft environment.
1. On the DRAFT LINE menu, click Parting Crv. The CURVE dialog box opens, listing the elements Draft Angle, Surface Refs, and Direction.
2. Enter a value for the draft angle.
3. Select the reference surfaces. Click OK when finished.
4. An arrow is displayed, indicating the side of the parting surface on which to create the parting curve. Click Flip or Okay in response to the indicated direction.
5. When all of the feature’s elements have been defined, click OK in the CURVE dialog box. The system creates the curve on the parting surface.
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