To Add an Ejector Pin Set
You can add individual ejector pins or a set of ejector pins by selecting an ejector pin component from the catalog or from the ejector pins present in the session.
1. Perform one of these operations:
Click Mold > Catalog > Ejector Pin > Add Set.
Click Cast > Component > Catalog > Ejector Pin > Add Set.
In Mold Layout, click Mold > Catalog > Ejector Pin > Add Set.
The Define Set dialog box opens.
2. Select or create a datum point feature to locate the ejector pin set.
3. Click the set type: Identical or Variable.
4. If you select Variable, you can specify different settings for each ejector pin: the ejector pin type, base plane, and orientation plane. The Set Members table opens within the dialog box, listing all selected datum points. To add or change an ejector pin at each selected location, highlight a row in the table and continue with the procedure. As you define each pin, the table shows the selected settings.
5. Select the ejector pin to add. You can select an ejector pin from the catalog or from the ejector pins in the model.
6. To select from the catalog, click the Catalog icon. The Define Parameters dialog box opens. Specify all parameters for the ejector pin: UNITS, VENDOR, TYPE, DIAMETER, LENGTH, and HEAD. A drawing shows the selected ejector pin with all required parameters. A table under the drawing lists all parameter values. After you have defined all parameters, specify the name for the ejector pin set.
7. Click OK to return to the Define Set dialog box.
8. To select from the model, click the From Session icon, and select an ejector pin from the Model list. Click OK to return to the Define Set dialog box.
9. Select the base plane for placement of the ejector pins.
10. Select a plane to use for the orientation of the ejector pins.
11. Click OK to add an ejector pin set.
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