Creo ModelCHECK > teacher > PTC Creo ModelCheck Teacher: Sheet Metal Parts with Consecutive Unbend and Bend Back Features
PTC Creo ModelCheck Teacher: Sheet Metal Parts with Consecutive Unbend and Bend Back Features
An unbend feature is used to unbend any curved surface on a sheet metal part, whether it is a bend feature or a curved wall.
A bend back feature is used to bend a surface back to its original shape (with a bend).
Often it is necessary to use an unbend to add a feature like a cut to a model. Once the feature is added, a bend back feature is used to return the part back to its original shape.
Creo ModelCHECK notifies you if there are any features in the model that have consecutive unbend and bend back features (or vice versa) because they are redundant features.
How can sheet metal parts with consecutive unbend and bend back features be avoided?
If you create an unbend feature and then decide you do not need it, do not create a bend back feature, delete it. The same applies if you create a bend back feature.
If Creo ModelCHECK tells you that there are consecutive unbend and bend back features, delete them.
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