Creo ModelCHECK > config_init_options > CNFG_SELECT_AUTO
Configures whether Creo ModelCHECK loads the configuration files automatically based on the rules in the condition.mcc file, or whether you can load the configuration files from the Load Config drop-down list in Creo Parametric (Click File > Options to open the PTC Creo Parametric Options dialog box and then click Environment)
YCreo ModelCHECK automatically chooses the configuration files.
NCreo ModelCHECK requires you to choose the configuration files.
ACreo ModelCHECK performs neither option Y nor option N automatically. Instead, Creo ModelCHECK prompts you to choose between having Creo ModelCHECK choose the configuration files or prompt you to choose the configuration files on starting Creo Parametric.
The N option requires a file called setconf.mcc in the Creo ModelCHECK config directory. This file is used to name and specify the Creo Parametric menu commands for selecting configuration files.
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