Creo ModelCHECK > PTC Creo Modelcheck Operating Modes > To Run Creo ModelCHECK in Batch Mode on Windows
To Run Creo ModelCHECK in Batch Mode on Windows
1. Click Programs > Creo Parametric > ModelCHECK.
Alternatively, run the batch file for Creo ModelCHECK from the bin directory in the Creo Parametric loadpoint to start Creo ModelCHECK . The default batch file for Creo ModelCHECK is modelcheck.bat.
2. Select the model on which you want to run Creo ModelCHECK or select a text file that specifies a list of file names.
3. Type the command to start Creo Parametric.
If the command to start Creo Parametric is not known, browse to the bin directory in the Creo Parametric loadpoint and run the batch file to start Creo Parametric. The default batch file is proe1.bat, but you may have specified a different name during installation.
From a DOS window, you can create a file called parts.lst that contains all Creo Parametric models from a specified directory. To do this, type the following command:
dir *.prt.* *.asm.* *.drw.* /b > parts.lst
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