To Create Custom Checks Using Creo Parametric TOOLKIT
1. Set the CUSTMTK_CHECKS_FILE configuration option in the start configuration file to a text file that stores the check definition as follows:
CUSTMTK_CHECKS_FILE text/custmtk_checks.txt
2. Set up the custmtk_checks.txt file to define the checks as follows:
# Custom TK Check File
# def-name of check as registered
MSG_NOMATERIAL CUSTOM: Part has no material assigned
ERM_NOMATERIAL INFO: No material assigned to part
DSC_NOMATERIAL CUSTOM: Undefined material models
MSG_SMALNAME CUSTOM: Part has short name
ERM_SMALNAME INFO: Part name length is less than 4 characters
DSC_SMALNAME CUSTOM: Short name models
DEF_<checkname> defines the name of the check. The format must be CHKTK_<checkname>_<mode>, where mode is PRT, ASM, or DRW.
TAB_<checkname> specifies the tab (category) in the Creo ModelCHECK report under which the check is classified.
All custom checks are stored in the Miscellaneous category.
MSG_<checkname> specifies the description of the check that appears in the lower part of the Creo ModelCHECK report when you select the name.
DSC_<checkname> is the name of the check as it appears in the Creo ModelCHECK report table.
ERM_<checkname> INFO is used to specify the result of the check as an information message that appears in the lower part of the Creo ModelCHECK report. This is useful in checks where the results do not need to be displayed as values but as a text message.
In the custom checks text file, separate options and values for options with a space, not by a tab character.
3. Add the check and its values to the check configuration file.
4. Write a Creo TOOLKIT application to enable the custom checks. This application registers the checks and the actions that you can perform for the checks from the Creo ModelCHECK report. For details on how to write the application, refer to the Creo TOOLKIT documentation.
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