Creo ModelCHECK > Configuring PTC Creo Modelcheck > Integrating PTC Creo Modelcheck with a PDM System > PTC Creo Modelcheck Gatekeeper > About Creo ModelCHECK Gatekeeper Requirements
About Creo ModelCHECK Gatekeeper Requirements
Creo ModelCHECK Gatekeeper requires the installation and the coordinated working of the following components:
Creo Parametric
Creo ModelCHECK
The version of Windchill PDMLink compatible with Creo Parametric
Refer to the Creo Parametric-Windchill compatibility matrix, Windchill-Creo Parametric Compatibility Roadmap, for the current supported versions.
To integrate Creo Parametric with Windchill you must carry out the following tasks:
Register the PDMLink, or ProjectLink server using Tools > Server Manager > Server > Register New Server in Creo Parametric and activate the relevant Workspace.
Configure Creo ModelCHECK to ensure the creation and the proper designation of the relevant read-only parameters in the models to be checked in.
Configure Windchill so that the global attributes of the CAD documents correspond to the model parameters created by Creo ModelCHECK before they are added to the Windchill Workgroup Manager (WWGM).
Enable the gatekeeper so that models are validated during check in. To do this set the Creo Modelcheck Validation preference to YES in Windchill
Set the check in criteria as preferences in Windchill. You can set preferences for each context, such as Site, Organization, Product, Project, and Library. The option to set preferences for each context is disabled by default for optimal performance. The gatekeeper validates the global attributes against the values of these server preferences as a criteria for the check in of models to Windchill server locations.
For details, refer to the Windchill guide, Using Creo Parametric with PTC Windchill.
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