Model-Based Definition > Model-Based Definition > Working with Model Properties > Mass Property Parameters > To Assign Parameters and Generate a Mass Properties Report
To Assign Parameters and Generate a Mass Properties Report
Use this method to assign alternate values to certain mass property parameters. The system then generates the report based on these assigned values. If some of the values are not assigned, the system uses the default parameter values derived from the model geometry.
The mass properties report is generated based on the configuration option mp_calc_level.
1. Click File > Prepare > Model Properties. The Model Properties dialog box opens.
2. Click change in the Mass Properties line. The Mass Properties dialog box opens.
3. Select Geometry and Parameters as the source for mass properties calculation.
4. Select the coordinate system to be used.
5. To specify the alternate parameters, type the parameter values in the appropriate boxes, where desired. If you do not specify an alternate parameter value, the system will use model geometry to compute the reported parameter. For a complete list of mass properties parameters, go to Reported and Alternate Mass Property Parameters.
If you have previously specified alternate parameter values through the Parameters functionality, these values appear in the appropriate boxes. If an alternate parameter is driven by a relation, the appropriate box is grayed out and you cannot type a value.
6. Click Generate Report. The system calculates the mass properties, displays the results in the Information Window, and saves them in a file objectname.m_p in the current working directory. You can use the Edit command in the Information Window to edit the file, or use the File > Save As command to save it under a different name.
7. Click Close when finished viewing the report.
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