Manufacturing > CL Data > To Edit CL Data Files
To Edit CL Data Files
Click Manufacturing > Edit > Edit CLto edit CL data for an operation, or view CL data for an NC sequence. Changes to CL data are played back only when the CL data for the operation is output.
When editing an operation, you will be asked if you want to create a new file. This will output the current CL data for this operation in a file (you will be prompted for the file name), and then bring it up for editing in a text window at the top of the screen.
If you answer n, you can edit an existing CL file for this operation (you will be prompted for the file name). In this case, however, it is the file and not the current operation data that will be edited. For example, if some changes occurred to the CL data after it was last output, these changes will be lost for editing. It is therefore recommended to output the CL data to a new file, to make sure that all the latest changes are reflected.
Operations remember changes on a per NC sequence basis; if the CL data for one of the NC sequences in an operation changes, the other NC sequences will not be affected.
The first four lines of a CL file act as a header, and must be kept intact if the file is to be read in during editing or inputting CL data. Changing or reordering these lines will cause an error message to appear.
The editor commands available are:
Insert File—Insert a move into the CL file, before the current line.
Save File—Save the CL file (as is). You can enter a different file name.
Show Path—Show tool path from the start of file to the current position.
Show Edits—Bring up the Information Window, listing all of the changes that have been made in the CL data file. The information will include the line number, the editing function that was performed, and the CL commands that were added.
Clear Edits—Delete any changes you have made to the CL data file.
Screen Edit—Enter the screen editing mode.
Insert—Add any valid line to the CL file, before the current line.
Append—Add any valid line to the CL file, after the current line.
Delete—Delete the specified number of lines, starting from the current line. Enter the number of lines to delete (the default is 1). If you enter 0, no lines will be deleted.
Change—Change the current line. The CL command must be the same.
Copy Text—Copy lines in the CL file to another location. Select the range of lines to copy by entering the first and the last line number (to copy one line only, enter its number for both prompts). Then enter the number of the destination line.
Move Text—Move lines in the CL file to another location. Works the same as Copy Text, the difference being that with Move Text selected lines will be deleted from the original location.
Search/Repl—Start the automatic replacement procedure.
Step—Move through the CL file step-by-step, displaying tool and path for every line on your way.
Jump—Move directly to the specified line without displaying the tool path. The tool will be immediately displayed in its new position.
Position—Position the file by line number or by selecting a point. When you choose Position, you will have two options:
Line—Position the cursor in the CL file (and the tool on the screen) by entering the line number to go to. The valid range is shown in the prompt.
Pick—Select an approximate point on a surface being machined where you want to position the tool. The system will interpolate the coordinates of your selection to determine the nearest available tool location. It will then display the tool coordinates in the prompt and ask for confirmation. If you answer y, the tool will be moved to this location and the cursor positioned on the appropriate line in the CL file. If you answer n, the position will not be changed; and you can make another selection.
Next—Go to the next line.
Prev—Go to the previous line.
FF—Search forward to a particular text pattern.
Rew—Search backward to a particular text pattern.
Measure—Access the Creo Parametric Measure functionality to compute tool interference, clearance. This works similar to the CL Measure command on the CL CONTROL menu.
NC Check—Access the NC Check functionality.
As you step through the file, the cutter location updates accordingly. The STOP sign is displayed at the right end of the message window. You can click on it at any moment to interrupt scrolling the file and stop at the current cursor position.
In Holemaking NC sequences, for deep and break chip cycles, the cycles will be displayed as you edit the CL file.
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