Manufacturing > Milling > Tool Axis Control in Milling > Tool Axis Control in Surface Milling > To Define the Axis Orientation Using Points on Surface
To Define the Axis Orientation Using Points on Surface
1. When choosing the references that you need to define for the NC sequence, choose Axis Def from the SEQ SETUP menu.
2. Choose Pnts on Srf from the AXIS OPT menu.
3. Choose Add from the AXIS DEF menu. The AXIS DEF OPT menu appears with the following options:
Edge—Specify the tool axis orientation along an edge or chain of edges.
Location—Specify the tool axis orientation at a datum point. The datum point may be located anywhere on the surface being machined. Select or create a datum point at which to define the tool axis orientation.
Drive Surf—Select a surface (or multiple surfaces) to adjust the tool axis orientation for the selected edges (optional).
4. Choose Edge and select edges for axis control. The edges must form a continuous chain.
You will then be prompted to specify the tool axis orientation at the start and end of each edge using the AXIS DEF TYPE menu described below. If you selected a drive surface, the tool orientation along the edge will be the average of the two endpoint orientations adjusted by the shape of the drive surface. If you did not specify a drive surface, you will have to create additional control points along the edge using the Location option.
5. Choose a command from the AXIS DEF TYPE menu to indicate the tool's orientation at the specified point:
Along Z Dir—Specify the tool axis along the Z direction of the NC sequence coordinate system.
Datum Axis—Select or create a datum axis to specify the orientation of the tool axis.
6. If you chose Datum Axis, select or create a datum axis to indicate the tool's orientation at that location.
7. The DIRECTION menu appears. Choose Flip or Okay to indicate the direction of the tool axis. The axis orientation definition will be displayed as a magenta arrow originating at the specified location.
8. Repeat Steps 3 through 7 for every point at which you want to define the tool axis orientation.
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