Manufacturing > The Customize Dialog Box > To Create a Lead In Motion
To Create a Lead In Motion
1. Choose Lead In from the drop-down list in the Customize dialog box, and click Insert.
2. The Lead In dialog box opens.
3. Edit the Tool Motion parameters, if desired, using the Feed, Spindle, Coolant, and Cutcom buttons in the top portion of the box.
4. If this is a 4- or 5-Axis NC sequence, you can specify the tool axis orientation using the Specify Axis button.
5. Select the arrow direction using the Left and Right option buttons. The arrow indicates from which side the tool will approach the control point.
6. Edit the Entry Angle, Tangent Lead Step, Normal Lead Step, and Lead Radius values in the corresponding text boxes, if needed. If the Use Default checkbox underneath a parameter text box is selected, the system will automatically assign a value to this parameter. If you clear the checkbox, you will be able to edit the parameter value in the text box.
7. The Preview button allows you to preview the tool motion defined. Click OK if satisfied, Cancel—to quit creating the tool motion.
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