Manufacturing > Milling > Trajectory Milling > About Trajectory Milling
About Trajectory Milling
Trajectory milling allows you to sweep a tool along any user-defined trajectory. It can be used for milling horizontal slots: the shape of the tool must correspond to that of the slot. It can also be used for chamfer milling. You can use standard milling and drilling tools for all types of Trajectory milling, as well as sketch customized tools for 2- and 3-axis NC sequences.
To define the tool path for 2-axis Trajectory milling, you sketch or select a curve that represents the final trajectory of the control point of the tool. The curve must lie in the plane normal to the z-axis of the NC sequence coordinate system. In the simplest case, the tool makes just the one cutting pass along this trajectory, with or without tool offset. You can adjust the depth of the final pass, specify multiple cutting passes with a vertical offset, as well as create multiple trajectory milling slices with horizontal offset with respect to the final tool trajectory.
To define the tool path for 3- to 5-axis Trajectory milling, you must interactively specify the trajectory of the control point of the tool using the Customize functionality.
You can define the tool path for 3- to 5-axis Trajectory milling in one of the following ways:
Interactively specify the trajectory of the control point of the tool using the Customize functionality.
Specify the trajectory using options on the Curve Cut or the Drive Surface Cut dialog box.
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