About Localization Provided by PTC
PTC localizes the user interfaces and documentation for applications in French, German, Italian, Spanish, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Russian, and Brazilian Portuguese. Some applications are not supported in all languages. For details on the language support for various PTC
Creo applications, see the
Creo 9.0 Language Matrix. Major user interface and documentation updates are provided at the First Customer Shipment (FCS) for all releases. Minor updates follow during the release life cycle.
Downloads for Creo applications and Help are available as described in the list below:
• When you are downloading a
Creo application from
www.ptc.com, each application is available as a separate download. All languages, including English, are included.
• The Help for each application is a separate download. All languages, including English, are included.
The translated resource files for Creo applications are in multiple directories in customer load points, such as apps/<appname>/text/resource/*/*.txt
Translated resource files for Creo applications are compiled into dynamic link libraries (DLLs) such as those listed below. The DLLs are also installed at the customer load point such as those files listed below:
• Common Files/text/compiled_resource/*.dll
• Common Files/apps/lda/text/compiled_resource/*.dll