Program > Editing a Design > Replacing Components in Assembly Designs > To Replace Family Table–Driven Components
To Replace Family Table–Driven Components
You can automatically replace family table–driven components according to design criteria by using the lookup_inst function. With this function, you can search a component family table to find an instance that fits the values of the search parameters. If the lookup function does not find a match, it returns the name of the generic.
The format for lookup_inst is:
lookup_inst ("generic_name", match_mode, Òparam_name_1Ó, match_value_1, Òparam_name_2Ó, match_value_2,...)
generic name—Name of the generic model with a prt or asm extension
match_mode—One of the following values:
–1 (find closest instance with param values less than or equal to supplied values)
0 (find instance with param values that match supplied values exactly)
1 (find closest instance with param values greater than or equal to supplied values)
param_name_1—Family table parameter name
match_value_1—Value to match against
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