Program > Execution Errors > About Execution Errors
About Execution Errors
When execution errors are encountered, the system reacts as follows:
In Part mode and Assembly mode:
If the failure is due to a feature error (for example, if a dimension violates a Relations constraint), the information window opens with the description of the error, which is also written to the file errors.lst.n. You can then edit the design From File (to correct the error) or From Model (to start afresh).
If the failure is due to a geometry error, Creo Parametric enters a special error resolution environment called the Resolve environment, which has various functions to help you diagnose and resolve the error.
In Assembly mode:
If the failure occurs during assembly (for example, because a substituted member does not fit), the system informs you that it failed to replace the particular member and asks you if you want to reedit the program.
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