Fundamentals > Relations and Parameters > Relations > Parameters Used in Relations > Relation Functions to Query Parameters
Relation Functions to Query Parameters
You can use the following functions to query the Series parameters.
has_value (Param, Value, (Column))
Returns True if the value exists in the specified column. Otherwise returns False.
Param—name of a parameter
Value—value to check for
column (optional)—column number
match_value (Param, Value, (Column))
Returns the topmost row where the value is found in the column. If param is not found it returns 0. Otherwise returns error.
Param—name of a parameter
Value—value to check for
column (optional)—column number
Returns the minimal, maximal, or average value of the param. Applicable only for numerical parameter values.
For Series parameter the values are from the second column.
Returns the value in the same row as the argument found when it exists, or a linear interpolation between the two closest values. When argument is out of the interval, the result is undefined and an error is shown.
Param—name of a parameter
Argument—value in the first (left) column
interpolation_order—specifies an exact match (0), or linear interpolation (1).
Returns the weighted average value of thecColumn values of the parameter. The weighted average is calculated by the formula: Sum (Ti+1-TI*(vi+1+VI/2))/(Tlast-T0).
When argument values change with a constant step, the value returned is the simple arithmetic mean of all values.
Param—name of a parameter
Returns the value in the specified cell when used in the right side of the relation. Sets the value for the cell when used in the left side of the relation.
Param—name of a parameter
Value—value to check for
column (optional)—column number
Returns the number of rows in the parameter.
Param—name of a parameter
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