To Create a New File
1. Click on the Quick Access toolbar or click File > New. The New dialog box opens.
2. Select the type of file to create. If Sub-type are available, they are listed.
If you click through the file types, you can see the default name for each file type in the Name box. The default prefix indicates the file type. For example part prt0001, saves as file prt0001.prt, and assembly mfg0001 saves as file mfg0001.mfg.
3. Select a Sub-type, if available.
4. In the Name box, type a name for your file or use the default name. If you accept the default template or if Use default template is not available, go to step 10. To use another template go to step 5.
5. Clear Use default template and click OK. The New File Options dialog box opens.
If an object type is not supported by a template, then Use default template is unavailable.
To see the New File Options dialog box by default for template-supported types, set the configuration option force_new_file_options_dialog to yes.
6. Type the name of the template file, select a template file, or browse to a file and then select it as a template file. For each template two files are provided, one in metric (mmns) and one in nonmetric (inbls).
7. Assign parameter values or change parameter values, if required. All standard part and assembly templates contain DESCRIPTION and MODELED_BY parameters, which are automatically passed into Pro/INTRALINK and Pro/PDM.
8. Select Copy associated drawings to create a drawing of a new part automatically when you select a template containing a drawing with the same name. For example, if you select the template inlbs_part_solid.prt, and the template directory contains a corresponding drawing template inlbs_part_solid.drw, select Copy associated drawings to automatically create a drawing with the same name.
Copy associated drawings is cleared by default. Use the configuration option rename_drawing_with_object to reset the default value.
9. Click OK. The Creo Parametric graphics window opens and the object appears.
In some cases another dialog box may open and require input before the Creo Parametric graphics window opens.
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