Fundamentals > Creo Parametric User Interface > The View Tab > Appearances > Creating Appearances > To Apply Appearance to a Component in an Assembly
To Apply Appearance to a Component in an Assembly
1. Select the component in the graphics window or in the Model Tree. The component is highlighted in the graphics area and in the Model Tree.
2. Click the View tab and click the arrow below Appearances.
3. Select the appearance that you want to apply to the selected component.
The selected appearance is applied to the highlighted component in the assembly.
1. On the View tab, click the arrow below Appearances to access the appearance apply mode. The last selected appearance in the appearance gallery will be applied.
2. Right-click on an assembly or a sub-assembly. On the shortcut menu, click Next, Previous or Pick From List to select a part, component, sub-component, surface or quilt.
The selected component is highlighted in the graphics window and the Model Tree.
3. Click OK in the Select box to apply the appearance to the component.
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