Symbol Shortcut Commands
The following commands, commonly used for symbols, are available on the shortcut menu.
Change Reference—Change the reference and placement type. All applicable placement types are available when you right-click the command.
Edit Attachment—Changes the leader position.
Add Leader—Adds an additional leader.
Transform —Applies scaling, rotation, and origin change.
Scale—Click and drag the scale handle to modify the scale of the symbol.
Rotate—Click and drag the rotate handle to rotate the symbol. You can use the rotation_handle_snap_interval configuration option to control the rotation of the symbol.
Origin—Click and drag the origin handle to change the origin of the symbol. The changed origin is indicated by . To reset the origin, right-click the symbol, and click Reset Origin.
Repeat —Click to repeat the symbol creation. Properties of the existing symbol also get applied to the new symbol instance. For example, all the settings of grouping and variable text selections and other properties of a symbol are applicable for the new instance of the symbol.
When you select a symbol and click , you cannot place the new instance of a symbol more than once.
To place a symbol using Repeat command:
1. Select a symbol, and click Repeat on the mini toolbar.
2. Select a reference, middle-click to place the symbol
You can perform the following, after you click the Repeat command:
Change the settings of a symbol and then place the symbol, for example, you can change the placement type of the symbol. To change the placement type, perform the following actions:
1. Select a symbol, and click Repeat on the mini toolbar.
2. Right-click to change the placement type, and then place the symbol.
Switch to Repeat Mode. The placement of the symbol begins after you click the Repeat Mode. You can change the settings of the symbol.
1. Click a symbol, click Repeat.
2. On the tab, click Repeat Mode.
Convert—Converts the selected legacy symbol to modern symbol. The symbols created in Creo 7.0 or earlier are legacy symbols. You can convert the symbols in the following ways:
Right-click the symbol, and click Convert.
Select a symbol, open the References dialog box, the symbol is automatically converted.
Select a symbol, select Change Reference from the mini toolbar.
Select a symbol, in the Symbol tab, click Options, and select the Designate check box.
Convert All—Converts all the available legacy symbols to modern symbols. The symbols created in Creo 7.0 or earlier are legacy symbols.
When you select an annotation that is already converted, and there are still symbols that were not converted on the model, the only command available when you right-click the converted symbol is Convert All. The Convert command is not available in this case.
Update Symbol —The system checks if the symbol is updated. Right-click the symbol, the command is available on the shortcut menu.
Generally, the CAD administrators redefine symbols and keeps the updated version in the user symbols directory (specified using the configuration option pro_symbol_dir). When you want to use an updated version of a particular symbol, right-click the symbol, and select Update Symbol. All the instances of that symbol are updated with the latest definition.
When the symbol is updated, all the instances of the symbol are updated with the modified version and a message appears in the message area.
When the symbol is not updated, a message appears in the message area Symbol definition is the latest. No symbol Instance updated.
The symbol is also updated, when you open a legacy model, and apply Convert or Convert All commands.
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