About Updating Drawing Notes
You can use the text style mini toolbar that appears when you select the note text or commands on the Format tab to change the text style of the note. Additionally, you can use the note origin mini toolbar that appears when you select the note text box or commands on the Format tab to change the text origin of the note.
You can update the drawing note in one of the following ways:
• Note text style — Use the text style mini toolbar or the Style commands on the Format tab to update the text style of the note.
• Note text origin — Use the note origin mini toolbar or the Style commands on the Format tab to update the origin of the note text.
• Insert jog — Select the leader of the note, right-click and click Insert Jog on the shortcut menu. Click on the leader where you want to insert the jog and click a location to place the jog. Middle-click to complete the operation. The jog is created in the leader. The leader remains selected and you can repeat the process to place another jog.
To remove the jog, select the jog, right-click, and click Remove Jog on the shortcut menu. To remove all jogs from the leader, select the note leader with multiple jogs, right-click, and click Remove All Jogs on the shortcut menu.
You can insert jogs only to notes with leader.
• Change reference — Select the leader of the note, click

on the mini toolbar, and select another reference.
• Delete leader — Select the leader of the note, right-click, and click Delete on the shortcut menu. The selected leader is deleted. If you delete the leader of the note or the last leader of multiple leaders, the note becomes an unattached note.
• Arrow style — Select the arrow of the note leader, right-click, and click Arrow Style on the shortcut menu or click the Arrow Style command on the Format tab. Select the arrow style from the list of arrow styles that appear.