Design Exploration > Configuring Design Exploration > Configuration Options for Design Exploration
Configuration Options for Design Exploration
yes*, no
Considers conflicts on checkpoint creation. Checkpoint creation is treated as a save operation. Conflicts may arise that are relevant to the save operation, such as regeneration, failure, mass properties and so on.
yes—Displays conflict dialogs on checkpoint creation.
no—Conflicts are resolved silently when possible, allowing checkpoint creation.
yes*, no
Adds a new checkpoint when you use a save command in a Design Exploration session.
yes—Displays a confirmation message.
no—Does not display a confirmation message.
0*, <integer>
Specifies the maximum number of automatically created checkpoints. Additional automatic checkpoints override existing automatic checkpoints.
0—Avoids the creation of automatic checkpoints. Certain events will always create an automatic checkpoint.
<integer>—Specifies the number of automatically created checkpoints. Set to an integer from 1 to 99. The default is 5.
yes, no*
Creates backups when you start a Design Exploration session.
yes—Creates a backup of all models in session at the start of a Design Exploration session and of all models opened and changed during the session.
no—Creates a backup of models that you modified before you start the Design Exploration session.
Folder created automatically by the application*, <user defined path>
Sets the path to the Design Exploration cache. By default, the session is saved to a folder created by the application. To change the default directory, browse to a new location or type the full path.
tree*, timeline
Sets the default display of the Checkpoint Tree.
<current working directory>*, <user defined path>
Sets the directory for saving the Design Exploration session as a *.tmz file. By default, the session is saved to your current working directory. To change the default directory, browse to a new location or type the full path.
yes*, no
Opens the Checkpoint Properties dialog box when you create a new checkpoint or make an automatic checkpoint a regular checkpoint.
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