About Viewing Object Attributes in the File Open Dialog Box
You can view the attributes of Pro/INTRALINK Workspace and Commonspace objects in the File Open dialog box when you browse the Pro/INTRALINK Commonspace or the active Workspace. You can then open one of these objects in the Creo application depending on its attribute value.
Information about the Pro/INTRALINK Workspace and Commonspace objects are displayed in a tabular format in the File Open dialog box. Objects are listed in rows and their attributes are displayed in columns in the table view. The File Open dialog box displays the Workspace or the Commonspace table views depending on whether you are browsing the Workspace or the Commonspace in the File Open dialog box.
The views include:
System defined or the default views
Admin defined views
User-defined views
You can set a filter to display a user-defined table view and reduce scrolling when the Workspace has too many objects.
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