Interface > Working with Data Exchange Formats > CATIA > Importing from CATIA V4 > Importing CATIA V4 Models with Dittos in Assembly Mode
Importing CATIA V4 Models with Dittos in Assembly Mode
When you import a CATIA V4 model with dittos in the Assembly mode, model data is transferred according to the following rules:
You are prompted for the name of the assembly in the Creo application. The CATIA V4 model is then imported into this assembly.
For the Master Workspace, a subassembly with the name of the CATIA V4 model is created. In addition, a part file containing geometry that exists directly in the Master Workspace is created and named as the Master Workspace.
If the Master Workspace or any other Detail Workspace does not reference the geometry, this Detail Workspace is ignored.
For each Detail Workspace used in the Master Workspace, that is not used in any other Detail Workspace, a part file with the name of this Detail Workspace is created.
For each Detail Workspace used in the Master Workspace that contains dittos, a subassembly with the name of the Detail Workspace is created. If the Detail Workspace contains additional geometry that is not from a ditto, this geometry is stored in a part file as a component of the subassembly with the name of the Detail Workspace.
Each part component of the assembly is imported with the layer filters of the CATIA V4 master model.
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