Example: Cylindrical Spline Surface Data Format
The cylindrical spline surface is a nonuniform bicubic spline surface that passes through a grid with tangent vectors given at each point. The grid is curvilinear in uv space.
The following illustration shows a cylindrical spline surface.
1. Cone surface S1
2. Cylindrical surface, S0 Spline
Data format:
x' vector of the local coordinate system
y' vector of the local coordinate system
z' vector of the local coordinate system, which corresponds to the axis of revolution of the surface
Origin of the local coordinate system
Spline surface data structure
The spline surface data structure contains the following fields:
Point parameters, in the u direction, of size Nu
Point parameters, in the v direction, of size Nv
Array of points, in cylindrical coordinates, of size, Nu & Nv. The array components are as follows:
Array of u tangent vectors in cylindrical coordinates, of size Nu & Nv
Array of v tangent vectors in cylindrical coordinates, of size Nu & Nv
Array of mixed derivatives in cylindrical coordinates, of size Nu & Nv
Engineering Notes
If the surface is represented in cylindrical coordinates (r, theta, z), the local coordinate system values (x', y', z') are interpreted as follows:
x' = r cos (theta)
y' = r sin (theta)
z' = z
You can obtain a cylindrical spline surface, for example, by creating a smooth rotational blend (shown in the figure on the previous page). In some cases, you can replace a cylindrical spline surface with a surface such as a plane, cylinder, or cone. The illustration shows the cylindrical spline surface S1 replaced with a cone (r1=r2, r3=r4, and r1r3). If you cannot replace it (such as for the surface S0 in the illustration Cylindrical Spline Surface (ra≠rb or rc≠rd), leave it as a cylindrical spline surface representation.
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