Interface > Working with Imported Geometry > Working with Imported Faceted Geometry > About the Analysis of Imported Faceted Data
About the Analysis of Imported Faceted Data
You can reference faces, edges, and vertices of the faceted data to create datum features. You can also calculate the mass properties of faceted data and use faceted data for measurements.
You can click Analysis > Mass Properties > Mass Properties on the Model Report tab and use the Mass Properties dialog box to analyze the mass properties of the faceted data. You can reference faces, edges, and vertices of the faceted data to create analysis features.
You can use the following commands on the Measure tab for various measurements:
Distance—Measures the distance with respect to the first reference entity selected. Select facet faces, facet edges, and facet vertices for distance measurement.
Length—Measures the length of the selected faceted edge.
Angle—Measures the angle between two selected entities. Select facet faces and facet edges for angle measurements.
Area—Measures the entire surface area of an individual faceted feature. Select individual faceted B-reps. You cannot select single or groups of facet faces. You can only select the entire faceted B-rep of the import feature.
You must select valid faceted references in any combination for the calculation of distance and angle measurements. You can also mix faceted references with exact geometric references. For example, you can measure the distance between a facet face and a datum plane or a solid surface.
For distance measurements, the facet faces and facet edges are treated as infinite planes and axes. A distance measurement between any nonparallel facet faces or nonparallel and coplanar facet edges returns a value of zero. This is different from the behavior when selecting finite surfaces and edges of exact geometry because these entities are treated as finite for the measurements (that is, unless they physically touch, the distance between them is not zero).
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