Interface > Working with Pro/WEB PUBLISH > Viewing an Assembly Publication > About Viewing an Assembly Publication
About Viewing an Assembly Publication
The browser screen is divided into frames: the table of parts in that assembly, graphics window, and control buttons.
Part Table
The part table includes the following columns:
System-generated reference number for each part
Part name
Total number of parts in the assembly
Additional part parameters that you designated for export
By clicking the name of a part, you open a separate window, displaying that part in the VRML format.
Graphics Frame
When you open a publication, the graphics frame shows a default 2D JPG assembly view. By clicking the 2D JPG control button, you open the pop-up window, which lets you select the desired graphics format: 2D JPG, 2D CGM, or 3D VRML. The choices depend on the graphics formats that were selected for the export.
If your publication contains more than one 2D model view, you can select a view.
Depending on how the model was defined in Creo, a VRML model can show a model in its exploded state, as a simplified representation, or as a full representation. You can pan, zoom, or spin your 3D model by using the VRML viewer controls. When you move the mouse pointer over a part, the part name appears at the mouse pointer. By clicking the part name, you can open a window displaying the VRML model of that part.
Typically, you can zoom, rotate (in the screen plane), or pan a 2D model. Note that 2D JPG view manipulation tools depend on the plug-in or helper application that you use.
Button Panel
The button panel contains up to three buttons, depending on the graphics formats that have been selected for export. The control buttons are:
Button for displaying the pop-up menu to select the graphics format (2D JPG is the default option). This button is absent if only one graphics format was exported.
Button for displaying the pop-up menu to select a 2D view to be displayed. This button is absent if only VRML was exported.
Tree button, which opens a model tree window.
Viewing the Model Tree
To view a model tree, click the Tree button in the control panel. By default, the tree is in a collapsed state. By clicking the icon next to the assembly/subassembly name, you can expand or collapse the tree.
The number of instances of a part or subassembly within a higher-level assembly appears in parentheses next to the component name.
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