To Transform Geometry in IDD Using Placement Constraints
1. Select the geometry that you want to move.
2. Click > or right-click in the graphics window or the Model Tree and click Transform. The Transform tab opens.
3. Select a constraint set type from the constraint list. The Automatic constraint is selected by default.
4. Select a reference on the geometry and a reference on the imported feature to define a placement constraint. When you select a pair of valid references an appropriate constraint type is automatically selected. Alternatively you can click the Placement tab, select a constraint type from the Constraint Type list, and select the required references.
5. Click the Placement tab and select an offset type from the Offset list. Coincident is the default offset. Enter an offset value or drag the offset handle in the graphics window to set an offset value.
After you have defined a constraint, a new constraint is automatically activated, until the component is fully constrained.
| There is no advantage of fully constraining a node during transformation, as the constraints are not parametric. As soon as you achieve the required transformation, complete the transformation. |
6. If required, define additional constraints by clicking New Constraint in the Placement tab. Each constraint is listed in the constraints area as it is defined. The current status of the geometry that is being constrained appears in the STATUS area on the Transform tab.
7. To delete a constraint, select the constraint, right-click, and click Delete on the shortcut menu.
8. Click

on the
Transform tab to complete the placement of the geometry.