To Edit Math Properties of a Surface
1. Select a surface in the graphics window or on the Geometry and Topology Structure Tree.
2. Click > on the Import DataDoctor tab or right-click in the graphics window and click Properties. The Properties tab opens. The selected surface is added to the Surface collector in the References tab.
3. Select the Spline, B-spline, or Bezier surface interpolation type on the Properties tab. If the selected surface is analytical, then Spline is the default. If the selected surface is free form, the current definition of the surface is displayed by default on the Properties tab.
◦ If you select Spline, specify the number of segments in the u- and v-directions.
◦ If you select Bezier, specify the degree of surface in the u- and v-directions.
◦ If you select B-spline, you can specify both, the number of segments in the u- and v-directions and the degree of the surface in the u- and v- directions.
| For Bezier and B-spline surfaces, the maximum value for the surface degree in the u- and v-directions is 15. |
4. To change the display options in the graphics window, click the Options tab and select one of the following options:
◦ New Surface Only—Displays only the computed new surfaces while the surface properties dashboard is open.
◦ Original Surface Only—Displays only the original surface that was selected for editing while the surface properties dashboard is open.
◦ New and Original Surfaces—Displays the original and new surfaces.
5. Click