Associative Topology Bus > Working with CADDS 5 > About Cabling Data Transferred to CADDS 5
About Cabling Data Transferred to CADDS 5
Associative Topology Bus (ATB) transfers cabling data to CADDS 5 as geometry (centerlines and endpoints) and auxiliary data (diameters, names of wires, cables, bundles, connectors, and so on) which is as follows:
The harness part with an appropriate tag, identified as a cabling part.
The centerline entities that belong to the wire, cable, or bundle components of the harness part.
Each centerline entity has its ID, diameter, and name. The name of a centerline corresponds to the name of the largest cabling entity using that centerline. For example, if the centerline represents a cable called cable1 that contains 4 conductors called wire1 ...wire4, , the name of the centerline is cable1.
Each centerline entity belonging to a cable is tagged with a diameter because the diameters of cables can change at a cable splice.
The connection points representing the terminating ends of the cable. Each connection point is tagged with its ID and the name of the connector part in the assembly to which the cable is routed.
Cabling data is converted into CADDS 5 cables. The execute file named <export model name>-exec converts the exported cabling geometry to a format that can be used in CADDS 5. Only thick wires are supported. You cannot modify Creo Parametric cabling geometry exported to CADDS 5 in the CADDS 5 environment.
Cabling Data Representation in CADDS 5
Cabling data is processed in a CADDS 5 assembly as follows:
ATB creates one part per harness part through CV-DORS. The part contains only Nsplines that represent the cable segments.
At each end of the Nspline, the system creates special entities that mark the connection point of the channel to the connector (as a CAMU node). Each connection point entity is tagged with the name of the attached connector (COMPNAME : <string type>).
Each Nspline has the following attributes:
Name of the channel or cable (COMPNAME : <string type>
Diameter in model units (PLIST : <real type>)
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