To Save a Copy of an Assembly
1. Click > > . The Save a Copy dialog box opens.
2. Type a new file name for the assembly and click OK. The Assembly Save A Copy dialog box opens.
3. To rename children of the assembly, perform one of the following operations:
◦ To rename individual children, Select the component name in the New File Name column and type a new name.
◦ To rename all children:
a. Click

. All components in the tree are selected.
b. Click Generate New File Names. New file names are automatically generated according to the option selected in the File Name Generation area.
4. To set the File Name Generation options for the selected components follow the steps below.
a. Select Automatic or Manual.
| Automatic is available, and is recommended, when you are working from Windchill. |
b. When you choose Manual select one or more of the following options:
▪ To change text in selected original file names to new text, click Use Template Type the original text in the first box and the new text in the second box.
▪ To add a prefix to the selected file names, click Use Prefix. Use the default prefix or type a new one.
▪ To add a suffix to the selected file names, click Use Suffix. Use the default suffix or type a new one.
5. Click Generate New File Names. New file names are generated for the selected components.
6. To copy items associated with the assembly, click the check boxes of the following Associated Items.
◦ Copy Viewables—Copies Creo View MCAD viewables.
◦ Copy Drawings—Copies drawings of the assembly.
◦ Copy Associations—Copies associated Creo View MCAD files.
◦ Clean ProProgram code for new models—Creates new Pro/Program code for the new, copied models.
7. When you save a copy of an assembly with Pro/PROGRAM driven components, the Program Driven Components dialog box opens. Select one of the following options:
◦ Disable Replacements—Disables the replacement of components driven by Pro/PROGRAM by a copy. You can enable replacement later.
◦ Remove Replacements—Removes the entry that drives component replacement from the assembly PROGRAM.
◦ Allow Replacements—Allows replacing components by Pro/PROGRAM in a new assembly copy. This can cause conflicts during regeneration because the new, copied component names may not match the existing parameter values used for replacement. Pro/PROGRAM will try to restore the original model instead of the copied component.
8. Click one of the following:
◦ Save Copy—Saves the copied assembly.
◦ Save Copy and Open—Saves the copied assembly and opens it in a new window.