Assembly Design > Configurable Products > Creating Configurable Modules > To Replace a Component with a Configurable Module Variant
To Replace a Component with a Configurable Module Variant
1. In an open configurable product, select a component, right-click and choose . The Replace dialog box opens.
2. In the Replace By list, select Module.
3. Click . The Open dialog box opens.
4. Select a configurable module from the list and click Open.
5. When the component is not a variant of the selected module, you are prompted whether to accept the choice.
6. The Family Tree dialog box opens.
7. Click the arrow next to the module name and choose a component from the list.
8. Click OK.
9. Click Apply to apply the change and continue replacing other components, or click OK.
10. When the component is not a member of the configurable module, you are prompted whether to add it to the module. Click Yes to add the component and replace it in the configurable product. Click No to cancel the operation.
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