Assembly Design > Top Down Design > Data Sharing > Shrinkwrap Features > To Create an External Shrinkwrap Feature
To Create an External Shrinkwrap Feature
1. Retrieve an assembly or a part.
2. Click Shrinkwrap. The Shrinkwrap tab opens with the top-level assembly as the reference model.
3. Click External. The Placement dialog box opens. Set the following options:
Click Default to position the Shrinkwrap feature in the current model using default internal coordinate systems.
Click Coord Sys to position the Shrinkwrap feature aligned to local and external coordinate systems.
A coordinate system can be created on the fly. If the reference model is an assembly, the coordinate system must be a feature of the top-level assembly (no part-level or subassembly-level coordinate systems are allowed).
4. Click OK to exit the Placement dialog box.
Click Edit Placement to return to the Placement dialog box and change placement references.
5. Click Open to select a model located on disk or in session from which to copy geometry. A warning message appears stating that the external model is about to change. Click Yes to continue. When selection is complete, the model appears in a new active window. Now define surface sets on the active component from which to copy geometry.
6. Click to complete the Shrinkwrap feature.
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