Assembly Design > Managing Large Assemblies > Shrinkwrap Models > To Create a Surface Subset Exported Shrinkwrap Model
To Create a Surface Subset Exported Shrinkwrap Model
1. Retrieve a part or an assembly (or a simplified representation of an assembly) as the source model.
2. Click File > Save As > Save a Copy. The Save a Copy dialog box opens. In the Type list, click Shrinkwrap.
3. Enter a name for the Shrinkwrap model in the New File Name box, or accept the default name and click OK. The Create Shrinkwrap dialog box opens.
4. In the Creation method area of the dialog box, click Surface Subset.
5. In the Quality area of the dialog box, specify the Shrinkwrap model quality level. The quality level ranges from 0–10 (the default value is 1). When zero is selected the system does not collect any surfaces. Instead, you can select surfaces manually using the Select collection button in the Additional surfaces area.
6. In the Special Handling area of the dialog box, select or clear any of the following options:
Fill holes (selected by default)—Fills all holes or cuts that intersect a single surface in the Shrinkwrap model.
Ignore skeletons (selected by default)—Excludes skeleton model geometry from the Shrinkwrap model.
Ignore quilts (selected by default)—Excludes external quilts from the Shrinkwrap model.
Ignore construction bodies (selected by default)—Ignores construction bodies when creating the Shrinkwrap model.
Ignore small surfaces (selected by default)—Excludes surfaces smaller than the specified percentage of the model's size from the Shrinkwrap model. Enter an integer (0–100).
Assign mass properties—Assigns mass properties of the source model to the Shrinkwrap model.
7. In the Datum references area of the dialog box, select additional geometry to be copied into the Shrinkwrap model. Click Select and select datum planes, points, curves, axes, and coordinate system references to be included or removed from the Shrinkwrap model.
If you change the Shrinkwrap creation method after specifying some references, these references are no longer displayed. If you switch back to surface subset creation, the references are displayed again.
8. In the Preview options area of the dialog box, select one of the following options to view selected surfaces:
Real colors (default)—Displays only selected surfaces, that is, the surfaces that will be copied into the Shrinkwrap model in their original colors. You can select invisible (unselected) surfaces manually using Select under Additional Surfaces. During the next preview, these surfaces are displayed in their original colors. This method provides faster preview display.
Gray and orange—Displays the active model in orange, with selected surfaces shown in gray. During the next preview, these surfaces are displayed in gray. The message window provides information in the format "X of Y surfaces kept."
9. In the Additional surfaces area of the dialog box, select individual surfaces to be included in the Shrinkwrap model. Click Select and select surfaces to add to or remove from the Shrinkwrap model.
If you change the quality level after selecting surfaces, all surfaces that you manually selected previously remain selected.
10. In the Output File Name area of the dialog box, specify the Shrinkwrap model name. The system assigns the Shrinkwrap model a default file name based on the name of the source model. Accept the default file name in the format model_name_sw0001 or enter a new name. The system automatically appends the extension .prt to the file name. When the source model is a simplified representation of an assembly, the default name of the Shrinkwrap model is simplifiedrepname_sw.prt.
You can select or clear Use default template (selected by default).
11. Click Preview to display the current reference selections and to obtain graphical and textual feedback about the subset of information that will be captured in the Shrinkwrap model. The model is displayed according to the preview method selected, Real colors or Gray and Orange. You can zoom in and select unselected surfaces to include, or you can undo selections using Select under Additional Surfaces.
If you click View > Repaint during preview, the display of selected surfaces disappears from the source model, leaving it on display in its original colors. When you click Preview again, the selected surfaces are again displayed.
12. Click OK. The system copies a subset of information from the source model to create a Shrinkwrap model and saves the new part to the working directory. The subset consists of selected surfaces from the source model, mass properties and additional geometry according to your specifications. The Create Shrinkwrap dialog box remains open and the source model remains in session as the current object.
13. Click Cancel.
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