Assembly Design > Top Down Design > Data Sharing > Shrinkwrap Features > To Create a Shrinkwrap Feature
To Create a Shrinkwrap Feature
1. Retrieve an assembly or a part.
2. Click Shrinkwrap. The Shrinkwrap tab opens with the top-level assembly as the reference model.
All choices on the Shrinkwrap tab are optional. You can automatically create a Shrinkwrap feature containing default shrinkwrap information by clicking .
3. Select the type of reference
In Context—Creates the shrinkwrap in the context of the assembly.
External—Creates a shrinkwrap with external references.
Open—Opens the Open dialog box to select a different reference model.
Edit Placement—Opens the Placement dialog box to place the shrinkwrap using coordinate systems.
4. Select a collection method for the surface subset from the Collection method list:
Outer shell—Create a Shrinkwrap of the exterior shape of the model.
Autocollect all solid surfaces—Create a Shrinkwrap containing the external and internal solid surfaces of the model.
When you create a Shrinkwrap feature in an assembly, you are creating quits from the solid surfaces. The following commands are available in the Options:
Merge resulting geometry—Merges the resulting quilts into a single quilt.
Leave as separate quilts if merge fails—Leaves the individual quilts when the merge fails.
When you create a Shrinkwrap feature in an active part in an assembly, the following commands are available in the Options tab:
Solidify resulting geometry—Create a solid Shrinkwrap.
When you click Solidify resulting geometry the Body Options tab becomes available. You can add the geometry of the Shrinkwrap feature to the active body or to a new body when you click Create new body.
Leave as quilt if solidification fails—Restore the failed solid Shrinkwraps and create a quilt Shrinkwrap instead.
Manual collection—Create a Shrinkwrap containing only the selected surfaces.
5. To include or exclude assembly components in the Shrinkwrap, click Subset to define a subset.
6. Click References and select additional shrinkwrap references:
Always include surfaces—Include selected surface sets.
Never include surfaces—Exclude selected surfaces.
Chain—Include selected edges and curves.
Include Datums—Include selected datums.
Edit—Include selected annotation features.
Click Details to open the Surface Sets dialog box.
For more information see the topic To Modify Rule-base Surface Sets in the Fundamentals area of the Help Center.
7. Click Options to define Shrinkwrap settings:
Surface Copying Options
Shrinkwrap then exclude (default)—Analyze the entire assembly to identify external surfaces. Only surfaces that belong to the selected components are included in the resulting Shrinkwrap feature (used with subsets).
Exclude then Shrinkwrap—Base the Shrinkwrap only on the selected components (used with subsets).
This option is recommended when working with an Automatic representation. During Shrinkwrap creation and redefinition, the required models are retrieved based on the defined subset only when the Shrinkwrap is created.
Level—Enter a value (1–10) for the shrinkwrap quality level. The default setting is 1. The higher the quality, the higher the processing time.
Auto Hole Filling—Fill all holes or cuts that intersect a single surface.
Include Quilts—Include external quilts. Although quilt surfaces are considered for inclusion, not all are automatically included in the Shrinkwrap.
Ignore Small Surfaces—Exclude surfaces smaller than the specified value (percentage of the model's size). Type a whole number (0 is the default) in the Threshold as percentage of model size box to specify the relative size of the surface to be ignored. Click the box and select a model for the small surfaces.
Copied Geometry Update—Set geometry dependency of the Shrinkwrap feature. The Shrinkwrap feature is dependent, by default, on the source components. If the size or position of the original component are changed, the Shrinkwrap feature updates accordingly.
Automatic Update—Keeps the relationship between the current feature and the original geometry.
Manual Update—Temporarily suspends the relationship between the current feature and the original geometry. If the original part changes, the current feature does not change.
No Dependency—Breaks the relationship between the feature and the original geometry. If the original part changes, the current feature does not change. When there is a dependency to a reference model it is broken, similar to breaking dependency using the Global Reference Viewer.
8. Click to complete the Shrinkwrap feature.
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