About Assembly Model Tree Columns
You can add and remove system-defined columns to the Model Tree to display different types of information, including regeneration status and information on components and features currently displayed in the Model Tree. You can expand and collapse the Model Tree window, and the system updates the columns accordingly.
To show or hide the Model Tree columns, click

Use the Info columns to display information on assembly components and features.
• Feature Status—Displays the status of a the feature.
• Parents Details—Displays parent information relevant for the child.
◦ Packaged
◦ Failed
◦ External Failed
◦ Modified in Creo Direct
◦ Out of Session
◦ Failed (missing model)
◦ Unplaced
◦ Suppressed by Program
◦ Suppressed by Replacement
◦ Inactive (out of session)
• Feature Attributes—Displays non-status information on features.
• Feat #—Displays the feature or component number inside the current model.
• Feat ID—Displays the feature or component ID.
• Feat Type—Displays the type of feature.
• Feat Name—Displays the name of the feature.
• Model Size—Displays the size of the model bounding box.
• Feat Subtype—Displays feature subtypes such as Pattern, Extrude, Revolve, and so on.
• Designate Name—Displays the designated name of a model object. Designate objects ( > > ) to access feature-level information in Windchill.
• Rigid Body #—Displays Ground or the number of a rigid body in a mechanism.
• Dependency Status—States that there is a dependency for the model in the assembly. When no dependency exists, the column is empty.
• Intent Name—Displays the intent name of a component in the assembly.
• Update Control—Displays the update control status of a feature with update control.
For information on other Model Tree column types, search the Help Center.