Material Models for Elastoplastic Materials
The Plastic Hardening Law Definition dialog box allows you to select one or all of the following laws to display the best-fit material:
Linear Hardening law
Power Law
Exponential Law
Each curve is displayed in a different color. The calculated normalized root mean square (RMS) stress error is also displayed for each of the hardening laws. NA is displayed if the software cannot find a best-fit curve for the stress-strain data entered. A red exclamation mark is displayed if the stress-strain data entered results in an invalid material for a model.
Click to select all the hardening laws. Click to clear the selection of all the hardening laws.
Select Automatic to automatically select the hardening law that best fits the curve plotted for the stress-strain data.
Select Use Best Fit Coefficients to calculate the material coefficients based on the experimental stress-strain data. Clear the Use Best Fit Coefficients check box to enter values for material coefficients based on the selected hardening law. These values are also displayed in the Isotropic Hardening Law area on the Material Definition dialog box.
Click OK to save the test data and material model. Click Cancel if you do not want to save the test data.
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