To Enable Dynamic Diagnostics
While modifying geometry, you can turn on or off the dynamic display of analyses and diagnostic tools. The dynamic display changes as you change geometry.
The following diagnostics options are available in the Diagnostics section of the Modify Curve dialog box:
Interpolation Points
Reference Points
You can access additional analysis tools on the Analysis tab.
1. Click Edit > Modify in Scan Tools.
2. Select a curve. The Modify Curve dialog box opens.
3. Click Diagnostics on the Modify Curve dialog box. The Diagnostics section opens in the dialog box.
4. Select an analysis from the list and click the display button to display it.
5. For the Curvature analysis, you must first select a reference. Select the required reference. Click the display button to turn on the display till you see displayed next to the analysis in the list.
6. To blank the analysis, select an analysis from the list and click the display button till you see displayed next to the analysis in the list.
7. To modify settings for a particular analysis, select an analysis from the list and click Setting. The Display Settings dialog box lets you set parameters for the selected analysis.
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