Инструменты сканирования > Using Scan Tools > Getting Started in Scan Tools > About Using Independent Geometry to Access Scan Tools
About Using Independent Geometry to Access Scan Tools
The part you open in Creo Parametric may or may not contain independent geometry. If the part does not contain independent geometry, you can click Model > Get Data > Independent Geometry to create independent geometry features. You must then populate the empty independent geometry features with curves and surfaces before you access Scan Tools.
To work with an independent geometry feature, select the feature on the Model Tree, and click Model > Operations > Edit Definition or right-click and click Edit Actions: > . You can then access Scan Tools on the Independent Geometry tab.
Collapsing analytical surfaces into independent geometry features bring in surfaces that you cannot modify. Instead of collapsing such surfaces, you can copy the surfaces into the independent geometry features using Geometry > Surface > From Surface. This creates spline surfaces.
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