About Scan Tools Capabilities
Scan Tools provides you with a set of tools to transform imported surfaces, quilts, triangulation data, or raw data into models that you can manufacture.
Scan Tools lets you perform the following tasks:
Import, generate, and filter raw data
Import geometry, including curves, surfaces, and faceted data
Create and modify curves and surfaces
You can use Scan Tools in addition to the standard redefine import tools to redefine import features in Creo Parametric.
Recommended Usage
While the Style application is the recommended environment for parametric styling operations, Scan Tools is recommended when creating shapes from non-parametric data, such as raw data and imported geometry.
Scan Tools Objects
In Scan Tools you work with quilts, surfaces, curves, and raw data. You can modify only a limited set of non-analytical geometry. You can also use Scan Tools to copy and convert any existing curve or surface into a modifiable entity. For example, to be able to modify a cylinder, you must first convert it into a spline surface by using Geometry > Surface > From Surface.
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