The Facet Modeling Workflow
A typical facet modeling session would progress in this fashion:
Point handling
Import the point set using Model > Get Data > Import, select a .pts, .acs, .vtx, or .ibl file, and select Facet as the import type.
Eliminate erroneous data such as points lying outside the required geometry
Add additional point sets into the same feature
Delete points if required
Minimize noise
Sample points to clean data and also reduce the computation time
Create a wrap from the point set
Wrap handling
Remove triangles by propagating through the surface in a selected area or until the point density changes
Remove webs that are generated in open spaces in the model while creating a wrap from a point set
Remove triangles in a straight line throughout the model, similar to drilling a hole
Add a single layer of triangles to a selected area of geometry
Fill any concave parts of the geometry that you select
Fill areas that require additional volume in order to define edges that may have been blurred during scanning
Facet handling
Delete facets that are not required
Reduce the number of triangles without compromising surface continuity or detail
Fill gaps that may have been introduced during the scanning process
Improve the faceted geometry by reducing facet size
Smooth the polygonal surface by changing the coordinates of the vertices in an iterative manner
Reverse the orientation of two facets that share an edge
Add facets by splitting an existing facet or by selecting three open vertices and creating a new facet
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