Report Table Parameters for Diagram
There are four different groups of diagram parameters:
Parameters that begin with & are used to create wire lists.
Parameters that begin with &dgm.spool are used to create tables listing information by spool.
Parameters that begin with &dgm.sym are used to create BOM tables.
Parameters that begin with &dgm.layer isolate items on selected layers.
If you mix two parameters from different groups in the same repeat region, two sets of reports are created in the table, one located below the other.
A list of system parameters that pertain to Diagram appear in the following table. Parameters specific to Diagram models also appear in this table. If you want to enter report symbols into a table after defining a repeat region, click Edit > Properties > Enter Text > Report Sym command or double-click on the table cells.
BOM and Family Table Parameters
Displays the number assigned to each record in a repeat region.
Shows the recursive depth of an item.
Displays the quantity of an item.
Layer Parameters
The layer name.
Duplicates the hierarchy under dgm.sym. Only evaluates to symbols on the current layer.
Duplicates the hierarchy under Only evaluates to runs on the current layer.
Diagram Parameters
Lists conductor color defined in the spool parameter file for wires belonging to cables. Lists color defined in the spool parameter file for individual wires.
Lists the reference designators of the component/connectors or the name of the rail that wires (free wires or wires belonging to cables) are run to/from.
Lists specified parameters for the component/connectors or rails that wires (free wires or wires belonging to cables) are run to/from.
Any parameter of the connector or rail can be entered manually.
Lists the pin names of the connectors that the wires (except for free wires) are run to/from.
Lists the entry port of each pin that conductors are run from or to.
Lists the pin signal names of the connectors that the wires (free wires or wires belonging to cables) are run to/from.
Lists the pin signal values of the connectors that the wires (free wires or wires belonging to cables) are run to/from.
Lists any user-defined parameter that you enter for each pin that conductors are run from or to.
Lists the sheet number on which the wires (free wires or wires belonging to cables) start or terminate.
Lists the assigned conductor name for wires (free wires or wires belonging to cables) in a diagram.
& Defined
Lists user-defined conductor parameter described in the spool parameter file for wires belonging to cables. Lists user-defined parameter described in the spool parameter file for individual wires.
Lists the reference designators of the connector or the name of the rail that cables and free wires are connected from/to.
Lists any parameters defined in the connector or rail that you enter manually.
&dgm. run. name
Lists any wire or cable in the diagram.
Lists any parameter that you enter manually as a user defined parameter for diagram wires or cables.
Lists the wire and cable spools name parameter run.
Lists any user defined parameter for wire and cable run.
Lists the spool name.
Lists any spool parameter that you enter manually as a user defined parameter.
Lists conductor color parameter for wires in cable and wire spool color for independent wires.
Lists the name of each connector or rail that every conductor is run from/to.
Lists the specified parameter for each connector or rail that every conductor is run from/to that you enter manually.
Lists the pin names that conductors are run from/to for every spool.
Lists the pin signal names that conductors are run from/to for every spool.
Lists the specified user-defined parameter for each pin that conductors are run from or to for every spool.
Lists the entry port of each pin that conductors are run from or to for every spool.
Lists the pin signal values that conductors are run from/to for every spool.
Lists the sheet number on which the wire starts or terminates.
Lists the name of the wire in the diagram for each spool.
Lists the wire and cable specified parameters by spool.
Lists the connector or rail names that conductors are run from/to by spool.
Lists the connectors or rails parameters that conductors are run from.
Lists the spool names for each wire or cable in the model.
Lists the name of the given symbol node.
Lists the sheet number on which a given node is located.
Lists a pin parameter such as signal_name for each connector.
Lists a parameter for a component or connector symbol.
Lists the reference designator name for a component or connector.
An item’s parameters can also be used in a report table as a user-defined parameter.
The MODEL_NAME parameter of a connector can be used as a user-defined parameter in a report table as & and entered as model_name. This is possible even though a system-defined report table parameter called & does not exist.
When creating a report, it is important to consider the structuring of the symbols in the report. Report tables provide the definition of each symbol based upon the item or items to the left of the description.
The table below lists the names of all sketched wires and the name of the associated spool.
Report tables provide information based upon a hierarchy of specifications.
In the example above, the parameter & gives the name of all the runs (cables and individual wires) in the harness. The spool name, &, gives the name of the appropriate spool for each run in the harness.
The next table illustrates the slight differences between similar parameters.
In this case, the repeat region parameter & lists all spools in the diagram, whether or not that spool has an associated run. Because Spool12 has no associated wire, it appears in the second table.
Report Parameters for Connections
The following is a complete list of report parameters that work for conductor names, connectors names, pin names, and the sheet to which the conductor is routed.
Diagram and the pos_loc callout
In Diagram the &pos_loc callout recognizes the following types.
<view name>
<view name>
<reference designator>
<diagram connection name>
<diagram connection name>
For example, to show the location of a view named main_view, type the following in the note text box:
Main view is located in &pos_loc:view:main_view
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