AutobuildZ > Cleaning Up Imported Drawings > To Clean Up an Imported Drawing Automatically
To Clean Up an Imported Drawing Automatically
1. Click Process > Clean Up. The Cleanup dialog box opens. Automatic is the default method of cleanup.
2. Under Filter by type, click the following options to set up a filter criteria for the specific and valid entity types:
3. Click one of the following options. They are selected by default.
—Selects all the entity types.
—Clears the selection.
4. Under Select by entity color, click the required color options to filter entities according to color. The valid colors are blue, red, yellow, green, magenta, and purple.
5. Click to select entities of all color types or click to clear the selection of entities of all color types.
6. Under Action, click the following:
Preview—Previews the entities selected according to type and color.
Apply—Cleans up the selected entities according to type and color.
If layers do not exist for specific entity types, new layers are created according to type and color. Layer names are prefixed with the preference value entered in the Layer name prefix box of the Preferences dialog box.
Entities are moved to the specific layers.
Layers are blanked.
7. Click Close or switch to the Manual method of cleanup.
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