AutobuildZ > Defining Views > About Drawing and View Scales
About Drawing and View Scales
When you import a 2D drawing, one or more drawing sheets are created in Creo Parametric. The drawing sheet size is determined by the imported drawing or by the default drawing sheet size in Creo Parametric. Draft entities that represent geometry are created on these drawing sheets. In addition, dimensions, notes, and symbols are also created.
Entities on the drawing are measured with respect to the graphics area. However, this measured value of entities may not be the actual value to be used for the entity during feature creation. The actual design intent is captured in the dimensions and notes on the drawing. Dimensions and notes represent the actual value that is used when building features in the model.
However, you must specify a scaling factor to be used when creating features. The following scales are defined during the definition of views:
Drawing Scale—The overall scaling factor for orthographic, sectional, and auxiliary views.
View Scale—The scale applied to a detailed or sectional view of the drawing in addition to the drawing scale.
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