AutobuildZ > Validating Section Profiles > About Automatically Validating Section Profiles
About Automatically Validating Section Profiles
Section profiles of extruded and revolved features are automatically validated when you select entities on the drawing to define them. Automatic validation is part of the feature creation process.
A section profile is checked for all of the following:
Single or multiple closed loops
Intersecting and overlapping entities
Entities on both sides of the axis of revolution for revolved features
Feature creation wizards for extruded and revolved features display the results of validation for each check. All relevant checks for the feature being created must be successful to continue with feature creation. You can view the individual validation checks performed. In addition, you can use the available section profile fix options to fix the failed checks. The profile is automatically validated after any fix is made, and validation results are updated.
If validation is successful, you can proceed to the next step of the feature creation process.
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